Easter Postcard Artist Sadie Mitchell Mother with Child Playing with...
Artist Postcard Woman Standing at Water's Edge Boys Hiding Behind...
Birthday Wishes Postcard Raphael Tuck Publishing Birthday Post Card Series...
HALLOWEEN Postcard Samuel Schmucker Design John Winsch Publishing Glamour Witch...
Halloween Postcard Ellen Clapsaddle Girl with Mirror NM Card Condition:...
A wonderful RS Prussia early years creamer and sugar set...
A wonderfully executed and detailed hand painted Porcelain Plaque with...
Art Deco Postcard Artist Signed Xavier Sager Bonne Annee Happy...
Art Nouveau Artist Postcard Julius Bien Publishing Summer Girl Series...
Great Valentine's Postcard with a little girl in a large sunbonnet...
Easter Postcard Series 313 Woman in Grass Feeding Chicks Condition:...
A lovely German porcelain vase with a scalloped rim and...
A lovely Royal Vienna porcelain dresser box, vanity jar in...
Beautiful antique German bronze box with a lovely rendition of...
A lovely RS Prussia bowl in a light lime green...
Nice early French postcard artist signed Pero Muguet Porte Bonheur...
Beautiful Christmas postcard with air brush paint and heavily embossed...
Christmas Postcard of a large bell with a farm in...
A lovely German porcelain vase with a scalloped rim and...
Christmas postcard of angel holding tree, nicely embossed, series 150...
Christmas Postcard of Santa Claus in a red robe and...
Adorable Ellen Clapsaddle Christmas postcard shows a small boy playing...
A beautiful decorated blue rose luster finish German porcelain relish...
Rare Litron demitasse coffee can and saucer set, decorated in...